Exercises and Yoga


Your muscles, bones, and joints weaken over time. But, you don’t simply have to accept this decline in your strength. If you suffer from chronic pain, stiff ligaments, tight muscles, or frequent injuries, Dr. Emma may prescribe stretching and strengthening exercises on top of any joint adjustments or other treatments you may need. 

These exercises can play a vital role in helping you regain control of your body, improve your range of motion, and enjoy a more pain-free lifestyle.

One option to ensure that you stay independent and physically strong is chair yoga (stretching). When you’re constantly using your body in yoga, you’ll find that your muscles and joints are much more resilient.

You may not be able to touch your toes or do the splits. However, with chair yoga, you may be able to regain your flexibility again.

You may struggle to reach the ground or tie your shoelaces by yourself. This can be terrible for your independence in life.

If you regularly practice the chair yoga movements, you’ll quickly notice that you’re able to move more flexibly in no time.

We’re including a few videos that anyone of any age can do.

Chair Yoga invites you to find mobility in a way that is soft and gentle but also really supportive and beneficial. This 17 minute practice invites awareness...